Property Partner Call

Let Us Handle It All

See if your property qualifies...

When you decided to rent your property, you never bargained for all the hassle and expense that came with it. Our mission is to provide landlords with a "set and forget" service. When you sign a lease with us, we take on the hard work of property care, tenant screening, rent collection, and tenant relationship management. We guarantee you’ll get paid on time every month. Schedule a call below to learn more and see if we're a fit for working together.

Experience The Difference

  • (720) 552-5339

How It Works

1) Schedule A Call

Use the calendar above to set up a discovery call to answer your questions and see if we are a fit.

2) Property Review

We’ll arrange a visit to view your home and ensure it’s in line with our standards.

3) Set Up & Design

We furnish and design your home to appeal to our ideal client.

4) Quality Residents

We find the best residents by partnering with companies who value our convenient corporate housing service.

5) Tenant Screening

All residents go through a rigorous and thorough screening process prior to moving in.

6) Collect Rent

Seamless and easy for you, just sit back and collect rent and we'll take care of the rest.


"Our mission is to create a national accommodations brand that's beloved by residents and indispensable to property owners."

2022 Copyright © Vastay Properties

CALL US - (720) 552-5339